Bicycle Sticker Cross max $10 - ស្ទិចគ័របិតកង់ស្អាតៗ

Available In Stock: Bicycle Crossmax Sticker

👇 Product Descriptions:

តែមបិតបូម ROCKSHOX និង FOX
👉តែមបិតខ្នងកង់ DT SWISS និង MAVIC CROSSMAX

Suitable with 29er inch wheels
There is a black background
There are 12 slides, will get an extra one more.
1set:1 pair wheelset
Purchase profile: Price for the 2 wheels

1. Bicycle Crossmax Sticker  😍 

2. Bicycle Crossmax Sticker After Stuck with  Tyre 😍


3. Bicycle Crossmax Sticker Dimensions 😍